My name is Ruthann Disotell.
I have served as a Life Celebrant for over 16 years.
Some would call me a Funeral Celebrant,
but I don't celebrate funerals.
My ceremonies are about someone special to you. There is no one else like them, so the service deserves to be unique and personal.
So many life ceremonies are 'cookie cutter'.
The name is changed out and you hear
what was said for someone else last Tuesday.
This style of service is rarely what people wish
they could have to express their heart.
Most want more.
My thought has always been...
Everybody deserves to have their own show.
If you can't have it at your funeral,
when do you get it?
By interviewing members of the immediate family,
I create a biographical service, staying true
to who the person was, the life they lived
and the people they touched.
Most people leave, feeling they learned something new about their friend or loved one.
My own faith allows me to offer a range of personalized services. Whether the departed was
Athiest, Full Gospel or somewhere inbetween,
I believe it important to represent who the deceased professed to be, rather than pretend they are something they are not.
Many people are not attending a house of worship on a regular basis. This is not always an indicator of their faith. Often, there are conflicting schedules with work or children's activities. For these people, I am happy to bring elements of their faith to the funeral or memorial which are fitting and include scripture and heartfelt prayer.
I am just as willing to omit any reference to God,
if that does not fit the person we are speaking of.
Other readings will be added to the service,
creating a ceremony appropriate for that person.
When there are different beliefs and faiths within a family, I strive to find a balance in honoring the life of the deceased, while comforting the survivors.
I travel regularly, to offer Celebrant services for funerals, memorials and tributes, all over New Jersey, into the greater New York City area as well as eastern Pennsylvania. I would be happy to consider other areas, as my schedule permits.

A leaf has fallen.